2.0 Site Layout
2.9 Culverts
Driveway culverts shall be installed prior to any other construction activity on the lot. Design criteria and specifications for culverts are shown on the attached Exhibit “D”.All culverts must be set using cement stabilized material. Once a culvert and stabilized sand is installed, 3" rubble or "bull rock" must be placed on the driveway area in order to minimize mud and dirt migration to the roadway. All entry and driveway culverts shall utilize sloped end treatments with a minimum 3:1 slope and shall be installed at a grade not less than four inches (4") below the designated ditch flow line. Drive approach shall be constructed prior to any other construction activities on lot and shall be used as the entrance to the property for construction of the residence. Other culvert end treatments are acceptable but must be submitted and approved by the ARC.