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Rosehurst Construction Guidelines


3.6 Entrances, Windows, Roofs, Addresses, Security

Care should be given to the size, type and organization of all windows. They should never appear like surface “holes” cut into the side of the box. They should be architectural features and, wherever possible, grouped into recessed areas or bordered by projections which provide a shadow pattern. Scattered windows tend to create awkward, face-like shapes and should be avoided.

For energy conservation purposes, the use of double pane windows is encouraged but not required. Sunscreens will not be permitted. Window coverings visible from a street must compliment the color of the residence.

Deeply recessed entrances provide both protection from the elements and a sense of individuality. When used with wall extensions, the whole entry can result in a courtyard effect which is very appropriate to the region. Individual entrance structures should be distinctive architectural features. They are best when there is a combination of overhanging roofs and some change in the plan configuration.

Large front-facing gables should be avoided unless they are broken into small scale elements. Otherwise, open gables are better facing toward interior side yards.

Front-facing gables are acceptable but discouraged when placed over the garage door which places emphasis on the garage. Efforts should be made to reduce the emphasis on the garage. The unshielded exposure of garage doors is helped greatly by way of a low plate line over the door.

Changes in roof geometry are best when accompanied by offsets in plan. Avoid flat roofs; a minimum slope on all roofs should be 8 in 12 pitch. Porches and overhangs may have a minimum slope of 5 in 12 pitch. A combination of roof pitch may be used if they are integrated to the design of the house.